Daily Rhythm
9:00- 9:30 • Children arrive, put away their belongings, and try the morning art project or enjoy free play
9:30 • Morning circle. children gather in the front room to sing songs and read stories related to our current theme. we also talk about our day ahead and what to expect.
9:45-10:00 • Time to finish the art activity or enjoy a little more play time
10:00 • Snack is served
10:20 • Clean up from snack and morning activities, get ready for daily trip to the park ( unless it is a day with music or dance class. )
10:30-11:00 • Park time… time to run and climb and enjoy the outdoors!
11:15 • Group activity time ( i.e. puzzles and games )
11:50 • Clean up for lunch
12:00 • Lunch is served
12:30 • Goodbye circle. we read another story or two, reflect on our day and sing a goodbye song
12:40 • Play in the front yard as parents arrive to pick up their child
1:00 • School closes